A number of new regulations and rules for corporate swaps came into effect under the Dodd-Frank Act recently. Because of the increased data requirements that correspond with many of the new regulations, we have been keeping an eagle eye on what’s been unfolding. In partnership with Willis Group Consulting, ZE offered a 45-minute complimentary webinar […]
As part of ZE’s continuing commitment to stay abreast of new Information System trends, Yi-Jeng recently attended Wavefront’s mPower M2M conference, Feb 7, 2012. The goal of this conference was to explore how wireless technology is revolutionizing machine to machine (M2M) communications beyond smartphones, and the impact of this growing trend in an increasingly machine-crowded […]
ZE PowerGroup® provides robust data management and analysis software tools that help corporations with their trade and risk related activities. These tools have been developed across a wide range of customer types as related to energy and commodities. The ZEMA software tools enable superior decision support for corporations by providing powerful management and analysis capabilities […]