Solar energy is an important source of power generation in the modern world, and its absence can be equally critical for the power markets. On March 20, 2015, a solar eclipse in Europe profoundly impacted regional power markets. The continent underwent an absence of a major portion of its sunlight from 8:30 to 11 a.m., […]
Most firms require an enterprise data management system to collect data from multiple sources, in different formats, and at different time granularities. They need a system that can also transform and integrate aspects of collected data with several downstream systems, whether it’s ETRMs, an ERP, or several BI systems. Companies with strong IT departments are […]
ZEMA is a superior data management solution that provides its users with easy access to an extensive data library. ZEMA offers powerful and easy-to-use tools to collect, validate, and analyze large quantities of data in one centralized place. ZEMA’s analyses can then be easily integrated with downstream systems. One of the most sought-after functionalities of […]
Since energy products are the backbone of the economy and are widely used by all sectors, the general belief is that a rise in energy commodity prices in translates to an increase in the price of non-energy commodities, such as metals and agricultural products. To assess the validity of this common belief, we’ll review two […]
If you’re a participant in energy and commodities markets, you likely have to deal with numerous curves on a daily basis; these curves are often stored in Microsoft Excel (Excel). To complete certain job tasks, you must frequently compare curves for different products and time periods. However, you encounter difficulties each time you compare curves, […]
Within any industry or organization, the analyses performed on a daily basis are oftentimes the same series of calculations that are simply run for a different time period or on a different set of data. Nonetheless, those queries can require an inordinate amount of time and effort to replicate every day, from setting up the […]
After the wallop of the polar vortex earlier this month that sent US gas demand and US Northeast gas prices soaring to all-time highs, one would think that the worst is over, no? That would be a negative. As the Platts natural gas team has repeatedly pointed out in market commentaries, analysis stories and a […]
In an unprecedented move, China rejected a quarter of U.S. corn imports this year after discovering the corn violated its ban on specific genetically modified foods. China found 545,000 metric tons of U.S. corn unacceptable after finding it contained MIR162, an insect resistant strain of the grain (The Wall Street Journal). Although MIR162 has been […]
The amount of data that companies can draw upon is overwhelming. Many market participants within the energy, commodity, and financial industries need help determining which data sets to draw upon to address and, in some cases, identify pressing business issues that need resolving. When attempting to manage high volumes of data, market participants tend to focus […]
Any time data must be put through a manual process, there is a risk of human error. The more often a business uses manual processes, the greater the likelihood that mistakes will occur; no organization is immune to the reality that manual process and human error go hand in hand. As recently as October of […]