ZEMA, enterprise data management solution for commodities and energy markets, can help control your data from collection to validation to integration and create a seamless environment throughout your organization.
As the only independent grid operator in the western United States, the Californian ISO grants equal access to 26,000 circuit miles of transmission lines and coordinates competing and diverse energy resources into the grid where it is distributed to consumers. It also operates a competitive wholesale power market designed to promote a broad range of resources at lower prices. Every five minutes, the ISO forecasts electrical demand and dispatches the lowest cost generator to meet demand while ensuring enough transmission capacity for delivery of power. As the nerve center for the power grid, the ISO matches buyers and sellers of electricity, facilitating over 28,000 market transactions every day to ensure enough power is on hand to meet demand.
The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) operates a competitive wholesale electricity market and manages the reliability of its transmission grid. CAISO provides open access to the transmission and performs long-term planning. In managing the grid, CAISO centrally dispatches generation and coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in California and a portion of Nevada. CAISOs markets include energy (day-ahead and real-time), ancillary services, and congestion revenue rights. CAISO also operates an Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), which currently includes PacifiCorp’s two balancing authority areas.
CAISO released the Open Access Same-time Information System (OASIS) website to provide market participants with a user-friendly way to access pricing information, as well as other related system reports. For many market participants the most critical reports are the real-time OASIS LMP results which contain the pricing data for nodes in the system. Each node consists of 4 report intervals: RTM, HASP, RTPD and DAM. Report interval refers to the length of a request. The report interval for RTM (Real-Time Market Interval LMP) is one hour and has a data resolution of five minutes. The report then provides twelve data points for each LMP component. Likewise, the DAM (Day-Ahead Market) report contains twenty-four data points, one for each hourly interval in a day.
During the Fall release 2016 initiatives market simulations, participants will be able to observe market results in the same applications that are available in Production: OASIS, CMRI, and so on. Participants can input data into the ISO Bid-to-bill using all systems available in Production: OMAR, SIBR, ADS, Web OMS etcetera. In the Fall Release 2016 initiatives, market simulations will be conducted in the MAP Stage environment. Participants will need to obtain access to this environment if they do not already have access. The ISO envisions participants may wish to access Master File (MF), Market Participant Portal (MPP), Outage Management System (WebOMS), Scheduling Infrastructure and Business Rules (SIBR), CAISO Market Results Interface (CMRI), Automated Dispatch System (ADS), and Market Results Interface Settlements(MRIS).
In the Fall 2016 Release, the California ISO (CAISO) will deploy numerous system changes resulting from various projects and other efforts. Some of the key enhancements made with 2016 fall release are explained below:
- The OMAR Online Replacement effort provides the mechanism for incoming EIM entities as well as all current OMAR customers to develop coding interfaces against the Application Programming Interface (which does not exist within the current OMAR).
- PIRP Application Decommissioning will provide enhancements to the Automatic Load Forecasting System (ALFS) tools to provide more accurate and user friendly functionality. These enhancements will also make available Commercial Operation for Market (COM) dates and MW values to software systems and business processes. Customer Market Results Interface (CMRI) reports which will replace decommissioned PIRP reports, providing market participants and the public with aggregated hourly average of market schedules, forecasts, and actual production for wind/solar VERs or VERs plus net virtual supplies.
- The flexible ramping product is a key market design enhancement to ensure sufficient upward and downward flexible capacity is available and efficiently dispatched in the ISO real-time market. This design will improve the management of ramping capacity in the real-time market. The Fall 2016 release Implementation of Flexible Ramping Product will allow the ISO to efficiently and economically achieve the environmental policy goals across the West
Deployments of CAISO changes with this Fall release:
Why ZE is a preferred choice to manage these vendor system changes?
These changes have a direct impact to users leveraging CAISO data to create business insight. CAISO updates, which happen routinely twice a year, can be quite rigorous and can take up enormous amount of time and resources to manage these frequent changes.
ZE has over 20 years of vendor change management expertise that is utilized by clients around the globe. Thusly, long-term partnerships and relationships have been built with these vendors, allowing for a more controlled environment to managing these changes. With a team of dedicated professionals committed to proactively, as well as reactively, maintain and troubleshoot any vendor changes that could have a potential impact on the client’s day-to-day business needs, ZE is well equipped to maintain and prioritize these changes in an agile controlled environment.
The ZE team is in constant communication with CAISO in an effort to resolve service and data related issues. They closely monitor data collection latency, as well as other issues which may be experienced by clients without the need for a client to react. ZE’s Data Monitoring service observes and validates data that is imported into ZEMA, then each data feed is evaluated according to a well-developed set of business and technical rules.
ZE evaluates all information stored in ZEMA’s data library, as well as troubleshoots potential data collection problems as they arise and takes action when appropriate. These capabilities transition far beyond from just the data collection perspective, it can transform, validate, and automate the integration of data throughout the entire organization, as well as provide the ability to control access to that data. These are just a few of the benefits by implementing ZEMA into your enterprise.
With processes in place for every scenario or challenge, ZE provides a seamless environment for all its clients, so they can tunnel their vision towards an efficient, and most importantly, a profitable enterprise. ZE provides tools that allow clients to review their data usage to make sure they are receiving optimal value for their paid data subscriptions. The ZEMA application Admin Console also allows administrators to examine who in the organization is using what data, to what extent this data is being used, and where there are any redundant data feeds.
ZE’s Business Solutions team also provides consulting services, working collaboratively with the client to provide a more complete and transparent solution that best fits business needs and requirements. This consulting team of industry experts provide clients with critical market insight and advanced technical analysis. Whether it’s generating strategic business cases, converting manual practices into automated processes, developing complex forward curves or forecasts, ZE PowerGroup provides the tools and expertise for clients to achieve excellence in all aspects of their business.