This year’s MDA Weather Services Spring Conference will be taking place on April 2nd in Chicago; ZE has been an attendee for many years, and will be both sponsoring the event and presenting a paper on the power and natural gas market outlook. MDA is a partner of ZE, and provides weather services data within […]
Any time data must be put through a manual process, there is a risk of human error. The more often a business uses manual processes, the greater the likelihood that mistakes will occur; no organization is immune to the reality that manual process and human error go hand in hand. As recently as October of […]
Visualization tools make interpreting data reports much easier; ZEMA users already have powerful visual functionalities that enable the display of data in a variety of different formats for easy analysis. However, there are times when the best, easiest way to gain the insight you need would be to compare two or more graphs side by […]
In recent years, data has taken the business world by storm. The amount of information captured by enterprises along with a growth in technology has fuelled a global data explosion, and its effects on industry have been substantial. In a 2011 study, the McKinsey Global Institute projected a 40% growth in global data generated per […]
Data is a corporate asset- yet, unlike almost every other asset, it is often unguarded. It would be inconceivable for corporations to leave millions of dollars in company funds on the staff lunchroom table, yet employees often have similar access to critical corporate data. Corporations frequently assume they can trust employee behavior and judgment- even […]